Obesity, Weight Gain, and Weight Loss - Successful Treatment Approaches

This article aims to explain why current approaches to weight loss and obesity rarely lead to successful long lasting results, often trapping the client in endless and lifelong patterns of yo-yo dieting. I will try and illustrate the deficits of our current popular approaches to weight loss, such as dieting and show that these models are doomed to failure as is any other model that advocates direct weight reduction methods whilst neglecting the underlying causes of obesity.
The medical profession, as represented by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM IV) basically recognises only two eating disorders - Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Simple obesity does not appear in the DSM IV because it has not been established as consistently occurring with any psychological or behavioural syndrome. However the DSM-IV does describe something called binge eating disorder (BED), which in essence matches the criteria for bulimia nervosa but without any of the compensatory behaviours such as vomitting, laxative abuse and fasting. The behaviours of BED would reflect with reasonable accuracy the behaviours of many people with obesity.
Under 'Associated Features and Disorders' the DSM IV states that some individuals report that binge eating is triggered by dysphoric moods such as depression and anxiety. It goes on the say that 'Others may not be able to identify specific precipitants but may report a non-specific underlying tension that is relieved by eating'.
It is important for us as psychotherapists/hypnotherapists, to expand on this and recognise and explore the clients subjective experience of this tension and the significance of this tension, which is not explored in the DSM/medical model.
Individuals with BED usually have a long history of weight loss attempts and many would have given up due to repeated failures on various weight loss programs. These programs are all generally centred on dieting and exercise - external interventions targeted at the clients physiology and aimed at removing the excess weight from their bodies in a rather mechanical fashion.
Based on my clinical work and the work of others in this field, I will try and demonstrate that obesity- particularly persistent and lifelong obesity can often be associated with distinct psychological and emotional patterns. This is important because it tells us that the treatment for obesity should not focus on dietary interventions, exercise regimes or behaviour modification but should rather focus on the causes of obesity. In fact this would explain the poor results seen from the interventions listed above after long term follow up.
It must be stressed very early on that there is no umbrella psychological theory explaining obesity or eating disorders. Clients with these issues may have some things in common but it is vital to acknowledge that there are multiple factors that lead to obesity. It has for example been suggested that overeating is linked with controlling/inadequate parental environments during childhood and that overeating behaviours can be used as a response to excessive parental control, and as a source of comfort. In some cases being overweight is used as a protection against the fear of annihilation and engulfment perhaps stemming from a traumatic childhood event.
What is important is to listen to the client and treat everyone as unique, resisting the tendency to fit a client into a theoretical model.
The 'food as a substitute theory' has been around from as early as 1956, with authors such as Grinsberg emphasising the role of negation in obesity. Simply stated the obese person experiences a profound emotional loss and compensates for this by maintaining in its place a continuous relation with the substitute food.
Hilde Bruch, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, was a pioneer in the field of the psychological treatment of eating disorders. She described obesity as a symptom and not a disease and stated that it should not be removed until the underlying disturbances are corrected (Bruch, 1957). In practical terms this means resisting the temptation to treat obesity directly with methods such as dieting until the cause of obesity itself has been addressed.
In fact, without being overly optimistic once the cause has been addressed there is often a much reduced need to proceed with such dietary interventions. The exploring of underlying factors causing obesity is key here, rather than going straight in with weight loss interventions such as diets, exercise regimes and CBT which has become the treatment of choice (Kaplan, 2002), and have shown overall poor results (Wadden et al, 1988 and Orbach, 2009). From certain psychological perspectives, the psychological and the physical are inseparable therefore focusing on physical methods and theories of obesity are bound to fail.
Moving into more traditional psychoanalytic theory, Thorner describes very early events and their far reaching influence in later life. He says;
'An insecure anxious baby who cannot understand where the breast has gone cannot feel gratitude for the breast and might feel persecuted. What is taken in then becomes a damaging/damaged object. The obese person feels full of bad hateful things and projects this hate into her body. The oral zone remains extremely important in the obese persons psychosexual development and takes precedence of the genital zone for satisfaction, as evidenced by fear of intimacy and weak libido'.
Whilst this may sound far fetched and the language/jargon a little dated aspects of this are echoed in real life scenarios with overweight/obese clients. It is not uncommon for overweight clients to use the excess fat as a barrier against sex and intimacy. Also it may be of value to look at infantile feeding experiences and view them as a potential template for the subsequent relationship with food. During breastfeeding mother and baby are highly sensitive to each other, each picking up on the others moods and feelings. A mother who is not feeling able to cope, supported or bonded to her child will inevitably transmit this to her baby in their interactions - feeding is perhaps one of the most important mother-child interactions. This suggests our relationship with food starts very early on and is far more complex than we may have imagined.
Bruch, (1957), stated that the mothers of some people who become obese may have offered them food instead of some other response when they have expressed a need. Some clients relate to this saying that the only thing that was completely unrestricted in their childhood was free access to almost unlimited amounts of food, in the place of emotional contact with caregivers. Could this be the beginning of comfort eating behaviour that so many clients describe - using food as a source of comfort, medicating oneself with food (Glucksman, 1989).
Paradoxically many obese clients presenting for weight reduction, do not have a fear of being obese but rather a fear of being thin (Tedesco and Reisner, 1988). This is commonly seen in clinical practise although not immediately and often to the surprise of the clients themselves. All this is echoed by Bruch (1973) who found that obese children might need to exaggerate their size in response to feelings of emptiness or vulnerability.
Current popular interventions in the treatment of obesity and issues around weight seem unequipped in dealing with the complexity of obesity and eating. Similarly an overly directive/authoritarian psychoanalytic/psychological approach is generally considered to be unhelpful in the treating of eating disorders, (Bruch, 1973). The danger is that obese clients will use any suggestions/interpretations in therapy as they use food, take it on as a heavy burden making them feel dull and heavy and despondent. Any authoritative psychoanalytic approaches may also echo with the strict and controlling parental backgrounds that many such clients come from.
What appears to work better in my experience is a non authoritative and non directional approach that focusses on the clients subjective and personal experience of life, dealing with the day to day concerns and giving enough space to allow material to originate from the client without excessive summarising sessions at the end and avoiding as much as possible the employment of a psychoeducational approach. Clients need to be able to allow things to come from them and be sensitive to their internal environments. This would include developing a sensitivity to hunger and satiety signal which, after years of misusing food have long gone awry. The use of dream analysis is especially useful as the material and subsequent processing all originates from the client. In my view it is only with this sort of approach that a long lasting and sustainable weight loss can be achieved, freeing the client from endless rounds of yo-yo dieting.
Bruch, H (1957) The importance of overweight. New York: Norton
Bruch, H (1973) Eating Disorders; Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa and the Person Within. Basic Books, HarperCollins
Castelnuoveo-Tedesco, P and Whisnant Reisner, L. (1988) Compulsive eating: Obesity and related phenomena, Journal of American Analytic Association. 36: 153-61
Glucksman, M, L. (1989) Obesity: A psychoanalytic challenge, in Bemporad, J. R. and D. B. Herzog (eds) (1989) Psychoanalysis and Eating Disorders. New York: Guilford Press. 151-71
Kaplan, A. (2002) 'Eating Disorder Services'. In C. Fairburn and K. Brownes (eds) Handbook of Eating Disorders: Theory, Treatment, and Research
Orbach, S (2009) Bodies. Profile Books Ltd
Thorner, H.A (1970) On compulsive eating, Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 14: 321-325
Wadden, T. A, Stunkard, A. J and Liebschutz, J. (Dec 1988) Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 56(6), 925-928

Obesity, Weight Loss and Importance of Dietary Supplements

Obesity problems affects millions of Americans today. Since 1960s the obesity rates have tripled. One third of our children and more than two third of adults are over weight. Obesity results in increased rate of heart disease, cancer, diabetes etc. Life expectation reduces by 13 years if a person is overweight by 20.
Considering the above, if a person is obese then there is no option for him/her but to lose weight in a healthy manner. Losing weight is not difficult. It is commonsense - burning more calories than calories consumed. Body requires certain minimum number of calories for normal functions like breathing and digestion called Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). The actual number of calories required is a sum total of BMR and the calories required to perform extra activities. When the calories consumed exceeds the actual number of calories required by the body then it leads to weight gain. Daily calorie intake must be estimated accurately by keeping a food dairy and doing the totals which is indeed a tedious task. There are certain weight management products available which provide with meal and snack alternatives which are nutrient dense, low in calories, delicious and provides satisfaction. Regardless of weight there is certain level of exercise that is a minimum daily requirement to reduce risks associated with diseases but exercise alone does not help and has to be combined with a well balanced diet.
When food is consumed in less quantities it results in improper nutrient balance in the body which finally leads to starvation syndrome. The quantity and quality of food consumed affects weight, energy, mood, activity level and mental posture. Eating healthy and nutrient dense food is very important. Eat less and lose weight concept does not work. A person has to eat better to lose weight. While dieting, people undergo a frustrating cycle of losing weight and gaining weight.
Tips for weight loss:
1.Consume food high in fiber.
2.No late night munching habits.
3.Have small meals intermittently to increase the metabolism rate.
4.Have dietary supplements complementing the regular diet.
5.Avoid calories from liquid foods.
6.Exercise for 15 to 30 min regularly.
7.Never skip breakfast.
Lot of alternatives are available if a person is busy and does not have time to prepare a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner to help lose weight. Certain products like meal bars and snack bars are available designed for aiding weight loss but which can also supply the essential macro and micro nutrients. Some weight loss supplements also help in weight loss and weight management and are very safe and effective.
1.Eating less does not lead to weight loss in turn has an adverse effect on the body and mind.
2.Starving or skipping meals results in a physiological drive to overeat and leads to weight gain.
3.Eating fat does not make people fat but differentiating between the good fats (Omega-3 etc.) and bad fats ( Trans fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids etc.) becomes essential.
4.Eating low carb or no carb does not aid weight loss since they are the main sources of energy. Refined and processed carbs like sugars are bad but carbs from fruits, beans etc. are good since they contain lot of phytonutrients.
Since the food that is consumed everyday does not include fresh and healthy wholesome foods and majorly constitutes processed and junk food, body does not get balanced supply of vitamins and minerals. Even during weight loss regime body is deprived of essential nutrients. If the daily intake of food is not supplemented with dietary supplements or nutrient supplements body immune system weakens and body becomes susceptible to various diseases. Some phytonutrients also aid weight loss by metabolizing fats. A well balanced diet is a must for life long weight loss. Dietary supplements help to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle.
There should be enough motivation to make changes that will last for the rest of life. Successful weight loss requires life long weight management and commitment beyond cutting calories. Successful weight loss in depth means weight loss and weight management.
If you are looking for a smarter way to lose weight OptimalHealthBeauty provides it all. The Trim Body System Kit is designed to encourage the kinds of changes in lifestyle that results in lifelong weight loss. To learn more about the product visit the website www.OptimalHealthBeauty.com.

Obesity Weight Loss

Presence of fat in our body helps in storing energy, heat insulation and absorption of shock. The percentage of weight of body fat of an average healthy individual would consist of 25% to 39% while that of a woman is 18% to 23 %. A man having percentage of body fat of over 30 or a woman with over 25% of fat content of the total body weight is known to be obese.
Obesity can also be measured with the help of the BMI. The BMI or the Basal Metabolic Index is calculated by dividing the weight of the body by the square of the height of the individual. If the BMI of a person is more than 30 then he or she is declared to be suffering from obesity. The following are some obesity weight loss tips that would help you to get rid of the disease called obesity.
Effective Tips for Obesity Weight Loss
The incidence of obesity has reached to an endemic level in USA. Reports say that one in every three individual in America is obese. You may make use of the following tips proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the Dietary guidelines for all Americans.
o Focus on eating fruits. Fruits can be of any types including fresh, canned, frozen or dried.
o Eat variety of vegetables like dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kale and such. You should also include orange veggies like the sweet potatoes, carrots, winter quash, pumpkin and beans and peas like the kidney beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, Lentils, split beans and such.
o Calcium rich food items like the low fat or fat free milk, low yogurt or fat free cheese should be taken in balanced proportion.
o Go for whole grain cereals like the crackers, rice, pasta and such.
o Choose protein rich items like the lean meats, poultry, fish, peanuts, beans and seeds.
o Consume food that consists of unsaturated fat. The items like fish, nuts and vegetable oils should be eaten for unsaturated fats.
o Limit intake of salt. Do not consume more than 2,300 mg of sodium or one teaspoon full of salt per day.
Apart from having a balanced diet, a regular schedule of exercise is also necessary. A short session of brisk walking or running is also quite useful for reducing weight. You may also try with some free hand exercises prescribed by your fitness trainer. Drink plenty of water each day as that would detoxify your body.
Jennifer Lawson, an expert in weight loss is associated with many weight reduction programs. She also provides effective weight loss tips that would reduce weight safely. You may look out for a good medical guide in order to know about obesity weight loss.

3 Day Quick Weight Loss Diets

How can you use quick weight loss diets to help you lose extra fat? Well the answer is that there are no healthy quick weight loss diets available that can help you lose weight fast but there are diet plans that can help you lose weight in just 3 days.
Such diet plans are a one time only diet plan. Repeating it over and over to lose weight fast will only damage your health. People do not understand that losing weight is a natural process and that it takes time. But who has much time and patience for it?
Fastest weight loss diet plan
The following diet plan is one of the few quick weight loss diets:
Day 1
  • Breakfast: Black coffee or tea, grapefruit juice from one grapefruit, one slice of toast along with one table spoon of peanut butter.
  • Lunch: One slice of toast, half a cup of tuna and black tea or coffee.
  • Dinner: Lean meat or chicken 3 oz, 1 up green beans, carrot, one apple and a regular cup of vanilla ice cream.
Day 2
  • Breakfast: one slice of toast, one egg, one cup of black tea or coffee and half a banana.
  • Lunch: one cup of tuna or cottage cheese and 8 saltine crackers.
  • Dinner: One cup of broccoli, half a cup of carrots and half a banana with half a regular vanilla ice cream.
Day 3
  • Breakfast: 5 saltine crackers, one apple, one oz cheddar cheese and black coffee or black tea.
  • Lunch: Black tea or coffee, one boiled egg and a slice of toast.
  • Dinner: a cup of cauliflower, carrots and melon and tuna with half a cup of vanilla ice cream.
This is the fastest from the quick weight loss diets and will help you lose 9 pounds in 3 days.
Other quick weight loss diets
There are a few more quick loss diet plans that can give you fast results but you must be disciplined when following the diets as anything more or less will not give you the desired outcome: 
  • Three day chemical breakdown diet.
  • 7 day diet.
  • Fasting and Phentermine.
  • 100 calorie diet.
  • 4 day diet.
So now that you have a few quick weight loss diets you can without wasting no time lose all the excess fat or most of the excess fat that you have in order to get into the best shape you possible can.
Get access to your FREE video series on how to diet properly and thus lose weight the healthy way by visiting http://yourawesomediet.com.
Alternatively check out my blog on how to diet healthily at www.yourawesomediet.com/howtodiet

Is There a Quick Weight Loss Program?

There are many reasons why a quick weight loss program is at hand. A doctor may recommend his patient to start a weight reduction program to improve his cholesterol levels, treat high blood pressure and many other illnesses related to being overweight. Some people on the other hand would like to indulge in a quick fat burning strategy for personal reasons like a formal event, a lifestyle change or just simply to "look good" and to improve self esteem.
In a quick weight loss program, three important factors are considered:
1. A well-planned diet - a 'quick results' program does not mean that you have to starve; it is a diet which carefully considers all the foods in the different food groups. A diet to reduce weight has fewer calories but more foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and protein. Aside from carefully considering the calories of the foods you eat, you also need to schedule small frequent meals in a day to be able to burn calories better as well.
2. An efficient exercise program - indulging in a rigorous exercise program also helps reduce calories for efficiently. You may engage in outdoor activities like sports, running, jogging, biking or you may enroll in a gym and take expert training to help reduce weight. A fitness trainer can help recommend the ideal exercise regimen that you can do at home; he can also assist you in developing a program to keep track of your exercise regimen even when you are at home.
3. A complete lifestyle overhaul. - reducing weight also involves making positive changes to your usual activities. Avoiding fast food and eating processed foods is the most important lifestyle change; shop and cook your own food so you can monitor calories and choose healthier ingredients for your meals.
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol to help improve your health and fitness levels. Stopping smoking and alcohol can reduce your chances of suffering from heart and lung conditions plus can help you manage your ideal weight.
Drinking beverages with caffeine content must also be controlled; replace these beverages with water or fruit juices instead.
By following these techniques, you may notice significant weight loss after several weeks. Sticking to a healthy diet, lifestyle and exercise plan will gradually lead to a better and thinner you.
The use of diet pills, supplements, fad diets, exercise machines and weight loss equipment must be done with caution. Although these techniques claim instant results, most may just be an advertising hoax; nothing still beats diet, exercise and lifestyle changes to reduce weight.
If you wish to use weight loss supplements or herbal supplements for weight loss consult your doctor first before use. Make ample research on the product especially its ingredients and the possible side effects before even purchasing. Remember that not everything you see in TV is true; there is a quick weight loss program but it is not a pill, a machine or a fad diet. It is a weight loss plan with diet, exercise and a complete lifestyle change to work.
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Best Tips: Diets for Quick Weight Loss

With the increasing problem of obesity in some parts of the world, especially in the United States, more and more people are looking at diets for quick weight loss as solutions. Though it is not a bad thing to lose weight fast, there are concerns about the overall health while on such diet programs. That is why it is important to know the ins and outs of any weight loss plan that you intend to undergo. Remember, your health comes first.
Are Diets for Quick Weight Loss Safe?
A number of programs that promote rapid weight loss rely on lessening the amount of calorie intake. This is not safe since the calorie amount may reach dangerous levels, which is almost always what happens with famous fad diets. Some diets for quick weight loss also require you to take in a pill or kind of food that contains certain ingredients that are not necessarily safe. These kinds of diet plans are only in for the money and not entirely about weight loss and especially not about your health. Also, people who undergo such diets tend to gain the weight back real quick. There are many cases that more weight is gained on top of those previously lost. Thought the best way to lose weight and keep them off is to undergo a slow but progressing diet program, there are a few diets for quick weight loss that are considered safe.
The Dangers of Fad Diets for Quick Weight Loss
You hear about them from infomercials, over the Internet, and from your favorite celebrities. Fad diets are everywhere and it seems like they're sprouting like mushrooms. You have to remember that these famous people who go under such drastic dieting need to look great to earn their keep. That's maybe why they will do anything just stay beautiful and that includes diet programs that require fasting, killer exercising and consuming laxatives, detox pills and others that contain ingredients that are suspicious.
How to Lose Weight Fast But Safe
In order for you lose those unwanted fat, you need to burn around 500 more calories than what you take in a day. Maintaining that 500 calorie level is important because more than that can do more harm than good. Of course you'll need to exercise regularly. A one hour-session every day is enough for you to lose around 2 to 5 pounds in just one week.
Another way to lose weight fast is to eat healthy by cutting back on starch and salt. Doing so will result in fluid loss. Controlling the consumption of added sugars, dairy and meat fats and increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables is another way to hasten weight loss and improve health. Instead of eating too much or snacking on junk food, eat more fruits and vegetables to fill your tummy or satisfy that mini hunger.
Drinking lots of water aids all diets for quick weight loss. Water is not only important for the over-all health of the body but also for helping you feel full.

Tips on Weight Loss With Yoga

Yoga is a popular workout option recommended for those who are looking into burning excess fats from the body. However, it should be noted that Yoga involves a variety of exercises that you can engage in case you intend to lose weight through it. By engaging in yoga, you are able to shed off the extra fat effectively, hence making you feel confident and comfortable with yourself. By reading through this article, you are able to get tips on losing weight with yoga that can help you shed off the extra pounds in a more efficient way.
There are certain yoga workouts whose main is the stimulation of the lethargic thyroid gland. This enhances the increase in the secretion of hormones. As a result of this, yoga acts upon your body's metabolism by increasing its level. When the body's metabolism rate is high, there are chances that you are able to effectively burn the extra fats faster hence losing weight quickly.
In case you are just beginning to take part in yoga for weight loss and you have got lots of weight or your body is just out of shape, it is advisable that you always begin the process from a beginner-level. This is important because it will help you in minimizing the risk of injuries. However, always ensure that you get an experienced yoga teacher who is able to listen and understand your body before putting you into the program.
When taking part in yoga for weight loss, it is advisable that you begin by concentrating on breathing exercises. Research indicates that deep breathing exercises increase the supply of oxygen to the cells of your body hence assisting in burning excess body fats and calories. Besides, such exercises will also ensure that you are able to tone your muscles as well as increase the level of their endurance.
The other things that you should take note of when engaging in yoga for weight loss is that more vigorous styles of yoga like Ashtanga, Power Yoga and Hot Yoga are among those that can offer you the best workout. For effective weight loss, you need to combine yoga with other forms of aerobic exercises like walking or running. With these, you will be able to produce lots of sweat which is one sign of weight loss.
On those days that you cannot make it to the yoga classes, it is advisable that you keep exercising at home regularly. For you to practice effectively, you can obtain audio or video recordings from your teacher or even online. Such materials contain ideas on yoga that can be used by beginners as well as those who are already in the program.
Even if you are engaging in yoga every day, you also have to bear in mind that the workouts alone cannot help you in effectively losing weight. Weight loss with yoga should be combined with proper dieting to ensure that you are able to lose weight in a more efficient way and stay healthy.
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Weight Loss and Side Effects of CLA

Does Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have any bad side effects? Does it work for weight loss? CLA has been sold for many years as a fat loss supplement based on the weight loss and body composition (i.e. losing fat and gaining muscle) changes seen in studies using mice and rats. Does is work in humans? More recently research in humans has shown that it can be used to increase fat loss. In this article we'll look at some of the benefits of CLA as well as some of the potential side effects. In addition to weight loss studies there have been (and are currently) countless studies looking at the effects of this fatty acid on reducing inflammation, fighting cancer, and in the treatment of other conditions.
Ever since 2007, there has been an increase in use of CLA as a fat burner. This is due to the release of a meta-analysis (basically a review of several scientific studies) published in the May 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which concluded that 3.2g/d of CLA can induce moderate weight loss in humans. CLA is an attractive weight loss supplement and many people use conjugated linoleic acid as part of a fat loss supplement stack (i.e. a group of compounds and herbs taken together to maximize effects) because unlike many other weight loss supplements it is not a stimulant and you don't suffer the nasty side effects of getting the jitters, increased heart rate, or worse - increased blood pressure. This is especially as there are not many effective options for non-stimulant fat burners on the market.
Let's now look at two more studies that involve people taking supplemental CLA. The first study was again published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers found that when people supplemented with 3.2 g/d of CLA (this is generally the recommended dosage for weight loss purposes) they burned more fat and more specifically they burned more fat when they slept!
This is true.
Not only did the subjects that took CLA burned more fat when they slept, the fat they burned was NOT fat they had recently eaten; it was actually stored body fat that they were burning. This study gets even better as the researchers reported that the individuals that took CLA had decreased urinary protein losses. In other words the CLA group had improved protein retention when they slept. These are really interesting findings. If I owned a supplement company that sold large dosages of CLA - my new headline would be "CLA - Scientifically Proven to Burn More Body Fat and Build Muscle while you SLEEP."
So CLA can work for weight loss but are there any side effects? Again in 2007, another study was published that looked at the effects of CLA on weight loss, this time in obese people. In this study, the participants were given CLA dosages of 0, 3.2, or 6.4 grams/day. At the end of the study the group that received the 6.4 g/d of CLA experienced a significant increase in a compound called C - reactive protein or CRP for short. C - reactive protein is a protein that is released from your liver. It is commonly used in the medical field as a general marker of the level of inflammation in your body - higher CRP means more inflammation.
While there was an increase in CRP, it was truly not clinically significant as CRP levels remained below what is considered normal (Normal CRP levels are 3mg/dL). It is also important to see realize that the people in the study that had increased CRP as a result of taking a CLA supplement were taking 2x the 'recommended' dose for weight loss and also that people that obese normally have higher CRP levels (this might have come into play here as well). The group that only took 3.2 grams per day did not have any increase in their CRP levels.
Based on the findings in the studies that I've mentioned above and the review of studies from article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is seems that 3.2 g/d of CLA can be safely taken to boost weight loss.
The next question that you should ask is...
What do you do with these findings? At the moment not a whole lot... CLA is a nice add-on to a fat loss program but "add-on" is the key word. CLA is perfect for nutrient stacking as combing these effects with a supplement like green tea extract (which has also been shown to boost weight loss), increased non-exercise physical activity, and multiple meals throughout the day will surely boost your fat loss. If you aren't spot on with your nutrition, training with weights 3x per week, and doing 3 interval sessions per week then don't waste your time with CLA and focus on the more important things.
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Mike Roussell is an author and nutrition doctoral student at Pennsylvania State University. Mike writings can be found in Men's Health and Men's Fitness and Ironman Magazines in addition to the internet's largest bodybuilding and fitness website - T-Nation.com. Learn more at http://www.warpspeedfatloss.com/

Laxatives to Lose Weight

If you need to lose weight laxatives can be a great alternative, it's relatively inexpensive and works. So many have so many different opinions about losing weight by taking laxatives, I however when I was in the Army decided to use this approach. It worked for me and I will share with you how I did it. The first thing I did before PT was take a laxative, then we would exercise and then I would eat breakfast I then took another one for lunch and then with my evening meal. So here are some simple instructions that you can use and you may possible have to tweak it to get it customized to fit your lifestyle or needs. If you upon awakening take a laxative then have your normal meal, you will see the weight start to roll off. In order for the laxatives to work, you must devise a plan. For instance you should at least take a laxative before every meal, so if you eat three times a day then take a laxative before each of the meals that you take, that way everything you eat will be released.
You have to be sure to drink a lot of water because the bowel movements may be loose and cause you to lose body hydration. The key is to be able to take the laxatives in a safe way and be able to lose weight and maintain your body's elasticity so that it's not depleted of its natural water sources. Another way that you can use laxatives to lose weight is to simply take one in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before you go to bed. If you choose to do it this way then you need to make sure that you are prepared to be awakened in the nighttime. The main thing to know when taking a laxative to lose weight is to be sure that you have something in your system; no matter how little it is, just have something that can come out.
Now if you have suffered from constipation or have irregular bowels then, there will be no need to eat full meals, because you have accumulated waste still in your body that can be flushed with a laxative. Basically all that happens when you take laxative to lose weight is that the laxative flushes out what is left in your stomach, then goes through the intestines and gets the left overs. Now a laxative may not completely flush the lower intestine, but it will clean out enough to make your stomach flattened and the weight will come off.
So if you decide that this is the way that you want to take to lose weight then be sure that you have devised a plan, and are near a restroom, because this will make you not only lose weight but you will use the restroom too. In order to take laxatives in a healthy way it is important that they are taken in conjunction with supplements that restore important anti-oxidants to the body. Hoodia supplements help with improving the metabolic rate at which the body burns calories and restores important vitamins to the body in a healthy way. You can start losing weight with laxatives by following the Master Cleanse Diet Instructions
David Millers reviews laxatives and recommends that they be used with healthy anti-oxidant supplements from the Master Cleanse Diet

Definition of Health Related Fitness

Health is related to fitness; that is one thing that can be easily overlooked. This is a basic fact, but with what the technology and other people have brought us, a lot of people forget to see this.
The definition of health related fitness is fitness done with balance among the development and improvement of the whole body. The definition can be better understood when elaborated. Health-related physical fitness includes two major parts; Activity and diet.
Activity (Cardio and Strength Training)
For health related fitness, the activity components included are not only for strength, and muscular development and endurance training. The lungs, heart, and circulatory system are also the focal points in health and fitness. The reason for this is to improve stamina, immune system, and maintain good body composition. Health-related fitness reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases like cancer and arthritis, and may cure respiratory problems like asthma.
There are lots of activities that can be your favored workout plan. You may choose sports, aerobic any other or exercise work outs. The exercises are much better when you include another exercise that will focus on improving your strength, muscle development and endurance. It will make you less prone to injuries.
When strength training and cardiovascular fitness plans are combined, one will also look and feel younger. This will lead to improved self-esteem. Also, the level of stress and depression will decrease.
If you are wondering about the types of activities that will work best for you, visit a professional and consult with him or her. If you have certain health conditions, it is best if you consult with your doctor first. Aside from cardio and body composition, strength and muscular endurance, flexibility is another important thing that you need to consider. Your fitness health training program should be able to let you enhance your flexibility.
Healthy Diet
Eating proper and balanced food is a must. Your plan including any physical activity may render useless if you do not conform your lifestyle altogether. You are trying to become healthier, so eat healthy food. Your training will let you excrete the toxins in your body, but if you replace the flushed toxins with another unhealthy food, you are then wasting your time, because you will either take a very long time before you get a result, or might not be able to get a positive one in the end.
Also, it is best if you consult with your doctor or dietitian first. They can come up with a diets plan that will work best for you. Especially if you have a certain health condition, it is best to ask for recommendations to make sure your diet plan will not cause another health problem.
As suggested above, cardiovascular training plus strength training plus healthy eating is the definition of health related fitness. Movement and diet must complement each other, in short, opt for healthy lifestyles.
Health and fitness is something recommended to everyone. However, there are different categories that separate the needs that must be met for children, adolescent, young adults, and adults. Being healthy doesn't need to stop once one reaches the age of 99!
For more great tips and advice about health and fitness try visiting also [http://www.best-fitnesstips.com/], where you'll get this and a lot more information on how to achieve the perfect body measurement [http://www.best-fitnesstips.com/weight-training/the-perfect-body-measurement-for-women.html] for women.

Little White Lies, True Health and Fitness

Let's talk a little bit about the little white lies we tell ourselves to give us the out, to talk ourselves into being okay with being heavy or to justify our absences from the gym. These little white lies hold us back from creating a healthy and fit body. So how do we take this way of thinking and change it? This is where we use your internal personal trainer. Stop telling yourself you are happy the way you are; expect more of yourself. Use the personal trainer you are developing within to squash the little white lies, including the lie that you are happy with who you are if you are fat.
There is nothing happy about being fat or obese and not being able to control your eating habits or weight. If you are truly happy, I guarantee you would be happier if you lost the weight, because no one wants to carry around an extra 50 or 100 pounds everywhere they go. I know this because if you gave a person who is fit an extra 50 or 100 pounds to carry around everywhere they went, they would be very unhappy. Saying you are happy with who you are or happy with being heavy is a cop-out, and since we're talking about little white lies, I'm going to call you out on it bluntly.
I know you would be happier not carrying the extra weight around because not only is the weight a physical burden, but it exposes you to prejudice every day of your life. And being judged (negatively) everywhere you go about the way you look cannot make anyone happy. It's a fact of life in our society that there are prejudices about people who are overweight. They are considered lazy, greedy, weak, and/or lacking willpower or self-control. People do not look at fat people and say to themselves, "I know she's beautiful inside." As human beings, our reactions to visual stimuli are thoughts that appraise or judge the form, without an immediate filter of political correctness. So I'm not going to talk about obesity in a politically correct way. I'm not going to mince words in order to save you a little embarrassment, because my goal is to encourage you to be accountable for your negative or unhealthy habits.
So now that we've dispensed with the use of little white lies to accept our extra weight, let's discuss how we can use the little white lies for motivation. If we return to the idea of self-assessment, we can use our imaginations to envision the fitter and leaner self we desire, and then we can create and write down some little white lies to help us with the process. For example, if you envision the way your face will look without excess weight, you might say, I love my beautiful, pronounced cheekbones. It is a little white lie, but one that can motivate us into creating a positive self-image. It's a projection of where we are going. Those little white lies are a forecast of the end of your journey, and they are important because they start the process of changing the mind. Telling yourself you are beautiful during your assessment because you can see a slender person who is not obese in your mind's eye creates a positive change.
These little white lies can help create a detailed positive image that, once created, can lead to more positive thoughts. Let's say you are imagining your arms are smaller, your face is more sculpted, your thighs are thinner, and then you can imagine the smaller person within. If you can imagine the person within as a stronger person, you will become stronger. We become what we imagine; we will become what our mind's eye sees. This is a great strategy to use even before setting goals because during the journey this is exactly what's happening. As you are losing weight you are becoming stronger. The simple fact that you are exercising will help to compact the bones in your body which will make your bone density stronger. Not having to carry around the extra weight will make you more flexible, more mobile, and even faster.
Telling yourself this ahead of time, before it actually happens, allows you to create that positive foundation we discussed earlier. Moreover, your mind will become stronger. At the end of your journey when your body is stronger, you are carrying around less weight, your muscles are showing, and your body is sculpted, your mind will be stronger. This can be for many people a complete transformation of a former self. Imagine you are the caterpillar who is beautiful -- fat and chunky-- but still beautiful. The caterpillar is carrying more weight in order to make it through its metamorphosis in the cocoon. That caterpillar then emerges as a lightweight, sleek butterfly. The butterfly that was once the caterpillar shows a significant change and so will you.
Michaelson William applies a unique philosophy and psychology when thinking about success in health and fitness. As a former Mr. North Carolina Bodybuilding Champion, Michaelson understands the physical, mental, and emotional underpinnings of success in health and fitness. He has been in the fitness industry for over twenty-five years, as a martial-arts expert, fitness consultant and author. This book distills the principles of his I'm Core Fit philosophy that he has successfully used to help clients at his local and virtual fitness studios.
Find out more secrets to achieving greater health and fitness here: http://www.amazon.com/Im-Core-Fit-Success-Rest/dp/0615747469
Get into shape with Michaelson here: http://imcloudfit.com

Why is Health and Fitness Important?

Have you ever asked the question, "Why is health and fitness important?" If you have, then it means that you have started to become aware of the importance of health and fitness in your life.
Most people are unmindful of the question until they experience signs and symptoms of various ailments. They then start to engage in some type of exercise and diet plan. They find it difficult to cope with exercise as they have left it too long and their symptoms get the better of them. It is therefore important to start your health and fitness regimen as early as possible.
There are several good reasons you need to know the answers to "why is health and fitness important?" You must understand that the body is primarily designed to be agile and mobile. Living an inactive and sedentary life is unsafe to one's health. Being immobile and stationary may lead to serious diseases and even death.
But sorry to say, the world we live in today is conducive to a sedentary life. The downside of technology is that it affords people to do things conveniently. You can either do things sitting comfortably or standing still. The body parts are not used as they should. What is the result? Health and fitness takes a backseat, and worse, suffers.
Consider this: instead of walking a few blocks, you take the cab or your car. You sit in the couch and simply press the remote control to switch on and off your television or change channels. You are content to get in touch with your family and friends via the internet rather than physically going to their place or even walking a few miles.
While all these bring much convenience, there is a disadvantage to your health and fitness. You do not move your body as you are supposed to be moving. It is no wonder that you will experience pains in your joints and muscles as a result.
Health and fitness is certainly essential to ensure not only your physical being, but also your mental and emotional well being. When you are healthy and physically fit, you do not only feel good but you also look good and can handle your daily routine better. When you feel better about yourself, you look at the world in a different perspective. You do not mind too much about the negatives and instead you tend to focus on the positives.
It does take a bit of discipline and determination to stay fit and healthy. It is important to think about the downside of ignoring your health and fitness as you will surely suffer in the future. Fortunately for you, technology is also making it possible to bring you all the activities and resources that will uphold your good health condition and physical fitness. No matter what the answers are to question "why is health and fitness important?" it is all up to you to choose the answers that suit you best.
With a lifelong passion for health, I enjoy sharing my personal experiences with diet and exercise. I also enjoy reviewing products, enjoy my latest reviews on Unique Shower Curtains [http://uniqueshowercurtainsreview.com] and Contemporary Shower Curtains [http://uniqueshowercurtainsreview.com/Contemporary-Shower-Curtains.html].